Chris Burns | About Me
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Chris Burns is an Animator and 3D Generalist. After working at Bluetongue entertainment, on a range of multi-million dollar projects for modern and next-gen game consoles, He has co-created the indie studio ‘Three Phase Interactive’. After the successful release of their début title ‘Stunt Star: The Hollywood Years’, The team at Three Phase as released their second title, ‘Defect: SDK’ on PC, Mac, and Linux.

Chris excels at facilitating the gap between artistic and technical disciplines and enjoys implementing and developing creative solutions to difficulties encountered within projects. He has a keen eye for detail and troubleshooting problems, and also enjoys working with and teaching others. In addition to high technical knowledge, he has many years experience in both 3Ds Max, Maya and Adobe Suite, as well as BIM modelling in Revit and Lumion.

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